Health Services Staff

Kadie Stormer

Nurse Kadie

My name is Nurse Kadie. It is a pleasure to have joined the Grandview Elementary team. I consider myself fortunate to have been given this opportunity. I have worked in school nursing for 5 years. I have subbed in the Grandview District for the past 2 years. My background along with school nursing includes detox nursing, orthopedics, and emergency medicine, but working with children is my favorite. This position offers new and exciting challenges to me, all of which I am looking forward to.

My name is Nurse Jessica, 2001 graduate of Grandview HS. I am overjoyed to join Eagle Nation as your new HS Nurse!
I have been in the medical field for about 17 years, and have had the pleasure of working in several areas of nursing. Working in a school has always been something I have dreamed about. I am so happy for this opportunity! Go Eagles!